Slander me, slander me - go ahead, people, and slander me
Slander me, slander me - go ahead, people, and slander me.
Slander is pleasing to the Lord's humble servant.
Slander is my father, slander is my mother.
If I am slandered, I go to heaven;
the wealth of the Lord's Naam abides within my mind........
The slanderer is drowned, while I am carried across (sggs 339).
Bhagat Kabir Sahib had a jealous neighbour, whose only pastime was slandering (Nindaa) Kabir Sahib; day in and day out. One day this foolish man died. People thought that the news of this man's death might make Kabir Sahib very happy. To the contrary, when Kabir Sahib found out about it, he became very sad. His devotees naturally inquired as to why he was sad instead of being happy. Kabir Sahib said " the reason I feel sad, now as my slanderer is gone, who will wash my sins off and take upon himself". The Gurbani (Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS) declares that there are countless such slanderers (Nindak).
Sikhs For Social Justice
Watch the video on this site, Singhs were present to protest for more affordable housing. The Nishan Sahib is representing. RESPECT! We need more people to take up these type of activities for the greater good of mankind.
Puran Singh wrote 'The state that Budda reached through his almighty struggle was reached by Guru Angad Dev jee through His Divine Love for Guru Nanak Dev jee'. Everything Guru Angad Dev jee was for the love of Guru Nanak Dev jee - seva at amritvela (before sunrise), kirtan (singing God's praises), langar (free kitchen), preaching, breathing, talking, thoughts absolutely everything was for the Love of Guru Nanak jee.
I used to think Sikhism was about 'seeing the light' or meeting Waheguru jee and because Guru Gobind Singh jee wrote that anyone who calls Him God will go to hell I wrongly thought that I had to praise Waheguru only. The path of Sikhism is to Love Guru Nanak jee's Lotus feet, to build up this love daily by serving Sikhs as if you were serving Guru Nanak jee himself. The Sikh loves the Guru, praises the Guru, looks to the Guru for everything and without knowing it Guru Nanak jee leads the Sikh to Waheguru jee.
In summary do seva and simran of Guru Nanak jee like Guru Angad Dev jee did, the rest is taken care of by Guru Nanak jee - Dhan Nirankar! Dhan Baba Nanak! (Wonderful God! Wonderful Guru Nanak!)
- Author Unknown